IVF & Egg Donation Blog

egg donor stories featured image

Egg Donor Stories – Personal Experience, IVF Success & Pitfalls

Feb 5, 2020

Assisted reproductive technologies help thousands of couples every year. However, every IVF success story has a person who is standing behind the scenes and donating eggs to support the intended parents. That’s why in this post, we want to share personal egg donor stories and show you what happens before a baby sees the light. 

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Fertility Treatments 101 – Types, Steps, and Cost [INFOGRAPHICS]

Jan 18, 2020

Male and female infertility is a problem that is relevant throughout the world. According to statistics, every fifth couple faces the inability to conceive a child. Therefore, more than 50 million couples of reproductive age require the use of assisted reproductive technologies. Unfortunately, the number of infertile couples is growing every year. Luckily, modern fertility

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Egg Donation Pros and Cons – Top 10 Known Reasons

Dec 9, 2019

Egg Donor demand increases the supply. Therefore, many girls sell their eggs without knowing all egg donation pros and cons, as well as the consequences.

The price of the program is several thousand dollars. However, is the game worth the candle? Let’s figure it out.

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IVF Transfer Day – What to Expect Before, During and After the Procedure?

Nov 7, 2019

The transfer of embryos into the uterus is an essential part of the program. It defines whether the pregnancy starts or not. Therefore, most people get nervous and don’t know what to do during the IVF transfer day.

Let’s overview the process in detail and see what happens after the IVF transfer day by day to see that there is nothing what to worry about.

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18 Year Old Egg Donors – All You Need to Know about the Process

Nov 1, 2019

Let`s provide some useful advice for 18 year old egg donors who are thinking about their first program. Here you will find the program requirements, advantages and the amount of money we pay donors for participation.

More than that, you will find a list of the most frequently asked questions we receive from potential donors and our answers. This also will be important for intended parents who want to choose the best egg donor.

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IVF Success Stories – Couples Share Their Experience

Oct 7, 2019

Today we are not going to dive into infertility cases and different treatment ways.

Read inspirational IVF success stories from real couples. Diminished ovarian reserve, endometriosis or PCOS – nothing can prevent you from having a dream baby!

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Where Does Fertilization Take Place? – Fallopian Tubes and Pregnancy

Sep 15, 2019

Fertilization occurs in the fallopian tubes. Only one sperm gets the chance to inseminate the egg. Its nucleus merges with the egg cell and gives start to pregnancy.
Before this miracle happens, they have to pass a long way. That’s why, in this post, we will overview the whole process so that you could see what happens on every stage.

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Types of Infertility in Females and Males, Causes & Treatment

Aug 29, 2019

Doctors classify the following types of infertility. Infertility can be male or female; primary or secondary; sterility (absolute infertility) or relative infertility; permanent or temporary.

Let`s overview each of them as well as their most effective treatment techniques.

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Secondary Infertility – Main Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment

Aug 21, 2019

The inability to conceive, or carry to term, after a previous pregnancy is a secondary infertility.

This article will explain the leading causes of secondary infertility both in men and women, describe things that can lead to infertility, show the best way to recognize them and explains the process of diagnosis and treatment.

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