IVF & Egg Donation Blog

donor eggs will the baby look like me

Donor Eggs – Will the Baby Look Like Me – Genetics 101

Jan 16, 2019

You finally got pregnant, after a few trials, and gave birth to your baby. You managed to accept the fact that you wouldn’t be genetically connected with your child.
After all, you carried that baby for nine months – and the child was yours. The thought that the baby was still half your partner’s, genetically, was somehow comforting.
Yet at this moment, you’re watching your newborn, and the baby doesn’t seem to look like your partner. The baby doesn’t look like your donor either.

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Donor Egg Baby – How to Truly Accept Your Child

Jan 16, 2019

The moment has come; you were finally able to become pregnant through an IVF procedure with the help of an egg donor.
You can already imagine holding a new-born baby in your arms. However, some unpleasant thoughts might begin to creep into your mind. Is it really my baby? Wouldn’t having a donor egg baby be just like raising an adopted child?
You and your partner are the only reason why this baby will be born.

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Infertility Depression – How to Overcome and Treat It

Jan 16, 2019

According to the statistics, the level of anxiousness and depression in women suffering from infertility can be compared to those with cancer, HIV, and heart disease.
When it comes to men, they also experience the consequences, such as self-esteem issues and a higher risk of developing anxiety and depression.
However, due to the fact that infertility is not generally seen as a disease, a lot of people find it difficult to understand how it can affect a human being.

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Single Embryo Transfer and Healthy Pregnancies of Older Patients

Jan 15, 2019

Our top priority is to support our patients in having the maximum chance of pregnancy success, with the smallest risks.
Women who are 35 and older are increasingly turning to a procedure of single embryo transfer accompanied by comprehensive chromosomal screening (CCS) and enjoying great outcomes.
Fortunately, single embryo transfer significantly reduces the risks linked to multiples and is an excellent choice for many patients.

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Embryo Transfer Process for IVF – 5 Things To Know

Jan 15, 2019

While you may be feeling more than ready to move forward and have a transfer as soon as possible, it’s actually best to wait.
The longer an embryo has to develop, the more likely the embryologist will be able to select the highest quality to transfer.
It also allows time for preimplantation genetic screening (PGS) to screen for genetic abnormalities. A more viable blastocyst means a greater chance of surviving transfer and implantation.

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age for pregnancy

Best Age to Become a Parent – Am I Ever Too Old?

Jan 15, 2019

Well, nothing physical is ticking inside your body planning to ring when it is the best age to become a parent.
Nevertheless, there is an innate mechanism in your brain. The one orchestrates your physiological processes like growth, sleep, as well as reproduction.
For instance, the sleep-regulating circadian rhythm is a component of this innate mechanism. It helps your body to adjust well to the environment.

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facts about egg donation

How to Freeze Your Eggs? – the Procedure Details

Jan 14, 2019

Officially referred to as oocyte cryopreservation, egg freezing is a procedure during which a female’s eggs are extracted from the ovaries and frozen so that they can be used in the future whenever needed.
While previously this was viewed as an experiment, these days it is a reliable method of overcoming certain infertility issues.
What is more, the procedure of egg freezing hasn’t been labeled as investigational by the American Society of Reproductive Medicine since 2012.

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Failed IVF What Now? Embracing Success After Prior IVF Failures

Jan 11, 2019

We failed IVF what now? The answer to this question is enormously hard for some of us.
Many families struggling to conceive children have undergone repeated cycles of failed in vitro fertilization (IVF), leaving them pretty much convinced that nothing will ever work for them.
But, as they say, where there is life, there is hope. Sunshine has accumulated significant experience in helping families who have gone through unsuccessful IVF attempts at other reproductive clinics.

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IVF for Gay Couples – Family Building

Jan 9, 2019

Sunshine helps people of all sexual orientations to build the family they are dreaming of. If you and your partner want to start a family, you may wonder what options you have and how the process looks like.
There are two ways for male couples to have a child – using a gestational carrier and traditional surrogacy.
At Sunshine, we’ll use your or your partner’s sperm in combination with an egg donated by an egg donor.
The egg will be fertilized by IVF and the embryo will be carried by a surrogate mother.

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